Friday I was away today. Here are the notes I left for Mr. Allen: Silent reading for first 10-15 minutes Students have been working with the poem “Later They’ll Say She Got Lost in the Blizzard” by Lorna Crozier. They have annotated the poem and drawn out their interpretation of it. Today they must write a paragraph in which they discuss the importance of imagery (using imagery to mean vivid images) in the poem. By the end of the class, they must submit: their annotation of the poem, the graphic-novel version of the poem and their paragraph (typed, double-spaced). I have given them the 6 point scoring guide from the grade 12 provincial and told them that I will use it to assess their paragraphs. Thursday Today, at last, was the day to write the paragraphs about the Crozier poem. After silent reading was over, however, and I got the question on the board and the criteria handed out, the NetBooks were not charged up! So we did a poetry slam activity instead where teams looked at...