Monday, March 14 - Friday, March 19
Tuesday CONTINUE: Embedding quotes practice. FINISH - construct criteria for an essay. What makes a quality essay? Looking at sample essays to pull out what’s expected, what counts. From these ideas, I will create the rubric for the evaluation of the empathy essay Make a Plan today for the essay about empathy on blue or green outline handout. Wednesday (tomorrow) and Thursday, I have computers booked for you to work on the empathy essay. The essay must be completed during class time. It is due at the end of Thursday's class. Monday Quiz on short story terms last Friday - Who did not write the quiz? CONTINUE: Embedding quotes practice. REVIEW: Place mat activity on themes of empathy texts. A) Rock Bottom, B) The Larder, C) The Lottery, D) Those Winter Sundays E) Cousins F) When Stress Rises, Empathy Suffers. - CAROUSEL Plan for essay about empathy - debrief what was done/not done last Friday. Co-construct criteria for an essa...