
Showing posts from May, 2016

Monday, May 30 - Friday, June 3

Thursday REMINDER: Speeches: presentation of speeches occurs this week. So far, only one person has done theirs! Finish watching Macbeth. 32 second Macbeth!  Quoting Macbeth. Character map for Macbeth - Sociogram. Wednesday Speeches: presentation of speeches occurs this week. Character map for Macbeth - Sociogram. Watch a bit more of Macbeth film.  Tuesday Silent reading Speeches: presentation of speeches occurs this week. I do have one student coming in a lunch today for Grad Interview. Character map for Macbeth - Sociogram. Watch a bit more of Macbeth film.  Monday Speeches: presentation of speeches occurs this week. Review criteria in class today. Send me an audio file, or come to see me at lunch this week. If necessary we can do this next week as well. Character map for Macbeth - Sociogram. Watch a bit more of Macbeth film.  

Tuesday, May 24 - Friday, May 27

Friday Evidence of quality for speeches: peer assessment & self-assess to show evidence of quality. Those who were away yesterday need to do a peer and a self-assessment. Watch a bit more of Macbeth film. Thursday 1. Final question for speech unit - are all unit packages handed in? 2. Evidence of quality for speeches: peer assessment & self-assess to show evidence of quality. 3. Watch a bit more of Macbeth film. Wednesday Macbeth scavenger hunt questions - DUE today. Be prepared to answer 2 questions for the class. Be ready to hand in your answers - pairs may have identical answers. Complete the character prop activity with a group photo! Begin viewing Macbeth. Tuesday Macbeth scavenger hunt questions - DUE tomorrow. Time to work on them? Be prepared tomorrow to answer 2 questions for the class. Be ready to hand in your answers - pairs may have identical answers. Go to library to get copies of Macbeth.  Move in to doing Character...

Monday, May 16 - Thursday, May 19

Thursday Macbeth Scavenger Hunt  questions. Research answers in the library. Wednesday Continue working on speech Tuesday Continue working on speech Monday Go over speech rubric Continue working on speech

Monday, May 9 - Friday, May 13

Friday Self-reflection -  Speech analysis and share-out  Self-reflection - placemat activity Complete Co-construct criteria for a good motivational speech:   Begin writing your speech. Thursday Poetry unit: Self reflection Complete Speech share-out  Complete Co-construct criteria for a good motivational speech:  I have a Dream - other film sample speeches. Begin writing your speech. Wednesday WARNING: the poetry infographic was due Monday.  Speech share-out - have a printed copy -  if possible, find an audio/video clip of a brief section of the speech. Complete Co-construct criteria for a good motivational speech:  I have a Dream - other film sample speeches Tuesday Speech share-out - have a printed copy -  if possible, find an audio/video clip of a brief section of the speech. Co-construct criteria for a good motivational speech: Any Given Sunday, I have a Dream - other sample speeches. M...

Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6

Friday Because I am away, I will discuss with you how to submit your Poem Infographic on Monday. This gives you a bit more time to DO A REALLY GOOD JOB! Today you will sign-up for a particular speech that you are going to analyse. Here are the steps to follow. Be prepared to share in class on Monday - you will be given a grade /12 for this work. 1. Analyse your speech as an argument. How effective is it? What was the speaker up against? What is the occasion for the speech? What did the author have to keep in mind when composing the text? What were their goals? What was their purpose for the speech?  2. Take a close look at the features or rhetorical devices/techniques ( a fancy word - think back to poetry and things like word choices, metaphor, imagery, repetition, irony, allusion, personification, etc.). Identify as many of these devices as you can - push your thinking! What makes the speech remarkable? How did the author's use of rhetoric (those devices) evoke a response in ...