May 28 - June 1

Final copy of your Inquiry #3 - language short story is due on Friday, June 1 Monday 1. Quiz - short story terms and devices 2. Free inquiry - Introduction. Tuesday * I am in the process of evaluating your Inquiry #3 Evidence of Learning - because there are 5 pages for each student, this is going to take some time! 1. Mark short story terms and devices quiz 2. Prepare your Free Inquiry proposal - share with class Monday, June 4. GOAL for today on your calendar. Your goal for today should be to decide on the area of study, the competencies you will cover and a central "text(s)" you will use. Wednesday 1. Free Inquiry proposal: GOAL for today on your calendar. Thursday - GOOD copy of your "language story" (Inquiry #3) is due tomorrow. 1. Free Inquiry - "quality example" + rubric - explained. 2. Free Inquiry proposal; GOAL for today on your calendar. Friday 1. Self-reflection for you...