
Showing posts from May, 2018

May 28 - June 1

Final  copy of your Inquiry #3 - language short story is due on Friday, June 1 Monday 1. Quiz - short story terms and devices 2. Free inquiry - Introduction. Tuesday * I am in the process of evaluating your Inquiry #3 Evidence of Learning - because there are 5 pages for each student, this is going to take some time! 1. Mark short story terms and devices quiz 2. Prepare your Free Inquiry proposal  - share with class Monday, June 4.  GOAL for today  on  your calendar. Your goal for today should be to decide on the area of study, the competencies you will cover and a central "text(s)" you will use.  Wednesday 1. Free Inquiry proposal:  GOAL for today  on  your calendar. Thursday - GOOD copy of your "language story" (Inquiry #3) is due tomorrow. 1. Free Inquiry - "quality example" + rubric - explained. 2. Free Inquiry proposal;  GOAL for today  on  your calendar. Friday 1. Self-reflection for you...

May 22 - 25

Monday - next week - Short story terms & devices quiz - Friday - due date for your draft 1 is today! If your story is not in OneNote when I check this weekend, you will not receive feedback on your writing.  Friday 1. Metaphor activity 2. Writing your short story. Thursday 1. Writing the senses. 2. Write short storyTuesday 3. Please bring an interesting (small) object to class tomorrow. Wednesday 1. Quick look at story writing resources. 2. Show me your short story plan. 3. Write the introduction of short story. Tuesday 1. SELFRIE - for weeks 1-4 - please complete in class today. 2. Go over different types of irony, pov, characterization. 3. Short story - make an outline using a sample story.

May 14 - May 18

Friday 1. Short story terms and devices  KAHOOT! 2. Evidence of Learning SELFRIE - get all those W1,  W2, W3, W4 Thursday 1. Short story terms and devices. 2. Finish reading your choice of 3 short stories and noting the techniques the authors use. Wednesday 1. Read 1 or 2 short stories from those listed in OneNote. 2. The stories are listed below. The activities to do with the stories are noted in red below. Short stories   Most of the short stories below came from suggestions on this web site:   "Wrong Channel"   "A Primer for the P uncutation  of Heart Disease" by   J onathan  S afran  F oer  –   "That Thing Around Your Neck "– A dichie   – available online  h...

May 7 - 11

Friday 1. Watch the remainder of the film "Arrival" - it is on Netflix FYI. 2. Create and share your 3 non-recall questions.  Thursday 1. We will watch the first half of the film "Arrival". 2. During viewing:  TYPES OF NON-RECALL QUESTIONS 1. Moral/ethical dilemmas   Provide classmate with a problem or situation, and ask them to explore one or more of the moral and ethical concerns.   Try to get them thinking about the topic from multiple sides, giving them a broader understanding of the subject.  2. Assess → Diagnose → Act   Assessment: What is the issue or problem at hand?   Diagnosis: What is the root cause of this issue or problem?   Action: How can we solve the issue?   3. Compare and Contrast   Ask your classmate to make connections and identify differences between ideas that can be found in class texts, articles, images, videos and more etc.   4. Interpretive → ...