Monday, February 23 - Friday, February 28

Once we completed the HP challenge the grade 8s had thrown down, We went into a second competition and I quizzed the four teams in the room on short story terms. Great team names btw. Next, we took a look at a non-fiction article about empathy. Before reading I asked you to predict a question that the article might answer. During reading you were to label problems that the article presented "P" and solutions presented with an "S". When the article was read, you were to write out three quotes that you had selected because they related to "Rock Bottom", "The Larder" or "Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit." In addition, you were to explain what the connection between the two texts was.
Ms. Gautier was in to  speak about course selection during class today. After she left, we reviewed the "answers" to the embedding quotes exercise. Next, we returned to the Superman story and I asked that everyone review the papers you wrote on yesterday, and I further asked that each person write down four words/topics that you felt the author was dealing with in the story. As a concluding activity for the story, you were to come up with four theme statements related to each of the words you had written down.
The answer to today's hink pink: cranky yanky!
Today we looked at the Superman story in more detail. Remember that we are working towards writing an essay starting next week. The essay will deal with a theme related to the stories we have read. Circulating around the room today, we commented on topics presented in the story such as fantasy/reality; clothes; flying; human values.
Oh, I almost forgot: Sap Trap!
We wrote the short little Edit #1 quiz and marked it. Next, I handed out the short story "Superman and Paula Brown's Snowsuit." On a cast of characters hand-out, I asked you to predict the conflict in the story. During reading of the story, I asked that you collect descriptions of things that were light and dark in the story (on separate post-its) as well as things about WW2 and the narrator's life. If you didn't finish the story in class, I asked that you complete reading it at home.

I returned the eight : ( draft paragraphs that I received. The good copies are due on Friday; therefore if you want the benefit of feedback on your draft, you will have to get it to me asap. I handed out an editing exercise next. Each time we complete a writing piece, I will look for common errors that the class is making and turn them into a worksheet and later a quiz. The quiz on the eight errors I shared with you today will be written in tomorrow's class. At the end of the block, we returned to blended or embedded quotes. The work that was submitted on Friday suggested that several people have not quite grasped this idea yet.


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