Monday, April 13 - Friday, April 20

After silent reading we did a peer and self-assessment of the novel autographs to ensure they met the criteria before handing them in. Next we went over all the terms and devices related to essay writing on the Grade 11 list of Terms and Devices. We played a game of terms and devices BINGO to practice the terms. At the end of the class we took a brief look at more presentation techniques.  


Today we continued looking at text presentation techniques, more specifically captions and colour. Remember, not unlike other presentation techniques, captions are not just about describing a photo. They also offer additional comment on the topic matter. Colour is a slightly more subtle device that writers and designers can use to enhance the meaning of a text. This is because of the subconscious associations we make with various colour choices. At the end of class, we returned to the article about cities by looking at photographs of some of the cities and buildings referred to in the article.


We did a competitive review of persuasive techniques, narrative structure/techniques and presentation techniques to start the class off today. For the remainder of the class, I asked that everyone read the article about cities and finish the T chart about presentation techniques and their effects.


After a silent reading, we did a quick wander around the room to gather narrative structure devices and examples from the posters that were prepared yesterday. Next, we went over the difference between connotation and denotation and looked at some examples and did some little exercises to (hopefully) make it clear. Next we began examining presentation devices that are typically used with non-fiction texts: colour, headings, sub-headings, captions, fonts, tables, graphs, photos and diagrams. Remember, the purpose of these things is not merely to make a text more appealing or inviting: these devices are used to enhance the meaning of a text. They can have strong connotations too, so think about that as  you read the article about cities.


Welcome back! Term 3 is almost finished. Before the break, I gave each student a progress report. This week is the time to get the novel autographs done. As this is the last assessment piece for the report card, it will be the last chance before the report card to hand-in late assignments.
We spent today's class finishing up the text on tree planting by examining the narrative structure in small groups. I was pretty impressed! Thoughtful comments accomplished quickly were posted on the chart paper. We will have a glance at these tomorrow before moving on to the next text in this examination of non-fiction. Your final task will be to annotate a text and point out persuasive and narrative techniques used (among other things). As well you will also be expected to take a text and design a page layout that helps deliver the content of the text effectively.


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