Monday, April 4 - Friday, April 8

Today was a work period for the MGP on your term novel.

I am away at a workshop today. You can work on the poetry assignments explained yesterday, or you can work on your Multi-genre Project for your term novel. The instructions for the MGP are in the links section of this blog.


  1. DISCUSS this activity from yesterday: Reciting part or all of a poem can be useful in a variety of real-life situations. Brainstorm what some of those situations might be. Clock partners.
  2. In pairs, you are to find a film that features the reading of a famous poem or lines from a famous poem. Here is a web site that might be a place to start: Poetry in Film, Radio, and TV (see: Please tell me what film you have selected. I want to ensure that every pair does a different film! You and your partner must share their findings with the class on Friday, April 8.
    For this brief presentation you will:
    - Show the class the video clip from the movie
    - Name the poem and the poet – MUST be a famous poet/poem.
    - Answer the questions below in their short presentation to the class:
    Why might the screenplay writer want to include poetry within the film?
    What does the audience learn about the character reciting the poem by its inclusion in the film?
    What impact does the use of poetry have on the viewing audience? 
  3.     Individual poetry treasure hunt.

    You will be searching for striking lines and phrases from famous poems. Go to the Poetry In Voice online anthology in search of memorable passages:
    You should gather three passages from different poems. The meaning of the passage in its original context is less important than the power you find in it and the your ability to imagine each passage being put to use in a specific situation.

    On Monday, when you share your movie clip that features a poem, you will also share one of your poem passages and you will have to justify the choice of lines aloud (why did you choose them? Why do the lines “speak” to you) by briefly imagining a moment when that line or phrase would be relevant and applicable. Because you will only share one of the poem passages out loud, you will hand in a short write up about all three passages. 

  1. Edit QUIZ .
  2. Poetry - Metaphor + castle game
  3. Reciting part or all of a poem can be useful in a variety of real-life situations. Brainstorm what some of those situations might be. Clock partners.

Monday - Welcome Back

  1. Silent reading - realistic fiction novel - assignment due Friday, April 15. Work period for this assignment this Friday, April 8
  2. Return essays - Reflection and goal setting for next steps in essay writing. 
  3. Progress reports.
  4. If you did not get your essay to me before the break, you have until tomorrow to give it to me. IF I do not receive it tomorrow, your name will be forwarded to admin and room 100 where you will complete an alternate assignment that meets the same learning requirements. This alternate work must be completed by Friday, April 8 or you will receive NHI (not handed in/zero) for this assignment.
  5. Edit sheet based on errors in empathy essay. QUIZ on these errors tomorrow.


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