Monday, December 12 - Thursday, December 15
Christmas Anagrams again...

1. Once you finish the annotation of your documentary clip in, check the rubric to ensure you have met the criteria and then share the link with me via this email: Make sure your name or student # appears on the email!
2. Print the answers to the 3 questions about the filmmaker interview you watched individually. Hand-in.
3. Monday & Tuesday we will watch documentaries and enjoy some downtime after all your hard work!
To do list before Winter Break:
- analyze a 2-5 minute segment of a documentary using the video annotation tool
- listen to 2 interviews with filmmakers - write responses - one is done in pairs [t-chart for the 2 questions - see Monday's blog post #3]- other interview is individual - answer 3 questions - see notes in Wednesday's blog post item #3.
- view a full length documentary and complete the golden sheet - this should be a different documentary than the one you decide to analyze in
Car Rhymes Trims
1. Student videos on camera shots
2. Rubric for Documentary analysis assignment. Use for the annotation of your video.
3. Individually, go to the web site link. Locate a filmmaker who interests you - one who you have not listened to previously. Answer the following questions based your filmmaker's interview: What specific kinds of filmmaking issues or challenges does the filmmaker consider? What are the filmmakers's main purposes for making documentary films? What does the filmmaker think makes documentary films special or different from other media forms? Answer using complete sentences. 3-7 sentences (approximately) per question.
Scars Emit Myrrh
1. Student videos on camera shots
2. Rubric for Documentary analysis assignment. Use for the annotation of your video.
3. Individually, go to the web site link. Locate a filmmaker who interests you - one who you have not listened to previously. Answer the following questions based your filmmaker's interview: What specific kinds of filmmaking issues or challenges does the filmmaker consider? What are the filmmakers's main purposes for making documentary films? What does the filmmaker think makes documentary films special or different from other media forms? Answer using complete sentences. 3-7 sentences (approximately) per question.
My Rich Armrests
1. Reading time? Finish viewing your camera work videos.
2. Information on editing to watch & ad to web about documentaries :
3. List of interviews to watch: Pick ONE interview, watch it in pairs, and answer these 2 questions in a t-chart format - one t-chart from the two of you: What are the purposes of documentary films? Do documentary films tell the truth?

1. Once you finish the annotation of your documentary clip in, check the rubric to ensure you have met the criteria and then share the link with me via this email: Make sure your name or student # appears on the email!
2. Print the answers to the 3 questions about the filmmaker interview you watched individually. Hand-in.
3. Monday & Tuesday we will watch documentaries and enjoy some downtime after all your hard work!
To do list before Winter Break:
- analyze a 2-5 minute segment of a documentary using the video annotation tool
- listen to 2 interviews with filmmakers - write responses - one is done in pairs [t-chart for the 2 questions - see Monday's blog post #3]- other interview is individual - answer 3 questions - see notes in Wednesday's blog post item #3.
- view a full length documentary and complete the golden sheet - this should be a different documentary than the one you decide to analyze in
Car Rhymes Trims
1. Student videos on camera shots
2. Rubric for Documentary analysis assignment. Use for the annotation of your video.
3. Individually, go to the web site link. Locate a filmmaker who interests you - one who you have not listened to previously. Answer the following questions based your filmmaker's interview: What specific kinds of filmmaking issues or challenges does the filmmaker consider? What are the filmmakers's main purposes for making documentary films? What does the filmmaker think makes documentary films special or different from other media forms? Answer using complete sentences. 3-7 sentences (approximately) per question.
Scars Emit Myrrh
1. Student videos on camera shots
2. Rubric for Documentary analysis assignment. Use for the annotation of your video.
3. Individually, go to the web site link. Locate a filmmaker who interests you - one who you have not listened to previously. Answer the following questions based your filmmaker's interview: What specific kinds of filmmaking issues or challenges does the filmmaker consider? What are the filmmakers's main purposes for making documentary films? What does the filmmaker think makes documentary films special or different from other media forms? Answer using complete sentences. 3-7 sentences (approximately) per question.
My Rich Armrests
1. Reading time? Finish viewing your camera work videos.
2. Information on editing to watch & ad to web about documentaries :
3. List of interviews to watch: Pick ONE interview, watch it in pairs, and answer these 2 questions in a t-chart format - one t-chart from the two of you: What are the purposes of documentary films? Do documentary films tell the truth?
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