Monday, February 27 - Thursday, March 2


1. Writing time to compose your responses to the 3 short stories you have read. 
2. I will begin marking the final draft of the speeches in the next few days. Make sure your copy is in Office 365. 


1. Reading time for short stories. First response to 3-4 stories is to be done in class tomorrow, and is due at the end of that class.
2. Block H - watch This is That; Block B - New Boy video version.
3. Edit sheet based on errors in speeches.
4. Placemat activity in groups to discuss New Boy. Sections of placemat: Level 1 reading: what is the story about? Level 2 reading: How does the author say what he says: story features, techniques, literary devices, structure/organization? Level 3 reading: What is the author's BIG IDEA about life, society or human behaviour? ROTATE GROUPS DURING...
5. Walkabout Review to go over The Larder.
6. Class "questioning" of the two stories.

1. Reading time for short stories. First response to 3-4 stories is to be done in class on Thursday, and is due at the end of that class.
2. Block H - watch This is That; Block B - New Boy video version.
3. Edit sheet based on errors in speeches. Highlight rhetorical devices and figurative language in your final draft. Place a copy of your final draft in the collaboration space AND in your own notebook.
4. Score a sample speech.
5. Work on final draft of speech.

1. Reading time for short stories. Review due dates and expectations. Due this Thursday.
2. Speeches are assessed and in Office 365. Let's take a look. DO NOT DELETE MY CORRECTIONS! INSTEAD, MAKE A NEW COPY AND PASTE IT BELOW! We will be back in the computer lab tomorrow to work on the final draft of the speech. At that time you will be expected to identify your examples of rhetorical devices (parallelism) and figurative language. Discuss speech delivery issues. View
"This is That"
3. How to put OneNote on your phone.
4. Edit sheet based on speech errors.
5. Score a speech based on the rubric.
5. Mark blue parallelism sheet.

Block B - New Boy video version.


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