Monday, April 10 - Thursday, April 13


1. Look for a "bad ad" to use for the upcoming assignment where you analyze an ad.
2. Look at Office 365 for the Term 4 reading assignment.
3. Research your Term 4 novel. Head to library and pick it up?
4. Complete the Demographics & Target market work.


1. Short story quiz.
2. More persuasive techniques...
3. Demographics and Target markets.
Quizlet link so you can play and learn short story terms...

1. Questions/comments about the short story quiz? Date? Wednesday or Thursday?
2. Advertising and rhetoric:
3. Other persuasive advertising strategies: persuasive devices/appeals/promises
Think Different:
4. Demographics & Target markets
iPhone 7
Apple Music


1. Complete your annotation of the short story "Identities." Hand it in. You should have noted all of the following things on your annotation:

Who is the protagonist? What is his goal, problem, conflict?
Is there an antagonist?
When the character makes choices, what motivates him?
How is he changed or unchanged by the end of the story?

Label key moments in the story.
Label any foreshadowing.
Identify where the climax of the story is.

What type of conflict is it (External or internal?). Explain.
What caused the conflict? Is it resolved?

Point of View
What type of point of view is used in the story?
How does the point of view contribute to the reader's experience of the story?

Setting, atmosphere, and mood
Where and when does the story take place? What time period in history is used? Where, geographically, does the story occur? What cultural contexts influence the story?
Is the atmosphere and important element?
What mood is created in the reader?
How do the setting and atmosphere affect or reflect the plot, characters and conflict?

Is there symbolism? Label things in the story that are symbolic and identify what they stand for.
How do these symbols relate to the characters, the conflict, and the theme?

What is the big idea about life, society or human behaviour? This should be expressed as a sentence, not one word.  Don't mention story specifics; instead, begin with something like: In life...

2. Do the short story practice test and have a classmate mark it for you. It's for practice, so no point in copying or getting help from a friend. There will be a REAL quiz later this week. Hand-in your quiz.

3. Advertising. You will be doing a "bad ad" deconstruction write-up in the next few weeks. Today you will begin looking at persuasive techniques used in the media, particularly in the world of advertising.
Complete the Persuasive Techniques in  Demographics advertising worksheet. Hand - in.


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