February 26 - March 2

Friday 1. Watch the rest of Macbeth. 2. WOW! Your comments in Recap yesterday were very thoughtfully done. Comment on the 2nd and 3rd questions today if you haven't already done so. 3. Think about the details about soliloquies that you looked over in OneNote yesterday. Read some student examples on the CBC website below. Try your hand a writing a Shakespeare "Selfie" on your own, or with a partner. Place your creative effort into OneNote in the collaboration folder, BUT submit it using a fake name (use the fake name as the title of the document): something literary or Shakespearean. Examples here: 2018 CBC Shakespeare Selfie Contest Contest: http://www.cbc.ca/books/the-2018-shakespeare-selfie-student-writing-challenge-1.4084894 Thursday 1. Read the OneNote page I have placed in your folder called Shakespeare's speeches. Read through the info on soliloquy and read the various soliloquies and speeches from Macbeth. Then go to Recap: En...