February 26 - March 2

1. Watch the rest of Macbeth.
2. WOW! Your comments in Recap yesterday were very thoughtfully done. Comment on the 2nd and 3rd  questions today if you haven't already done so.
3. Think about the details about soliloquies that you looked over in OneNote yesterday. Read some student examples on the CBC website below. Try your hand a writing a Shakespeare "Selfie" on your own, or with a partner. Place your creative effort into OneNote in the collaboration folder, BUT submit it using a fake name (use the fake name as the title of the document): something literary or Shakespearean. 
Examples here: 2018 CBC Shakespeare Selfie Contest
Contest: http://www.cbc.ca/books/the-2018-shakespeare-selfie-student-writing-challenge-1.4084894


1.  Read the OneNote page I have placed in your folder called Shakespeare's speeches. Read through the info on soliloquy and read the various soliloquies and speeches from Macbeth. Then go to Recap: Enter Join Pin AADRSIC at https://app.letsrecap.com/pin  and participate in the discussion about speeches from Macbeth. 

1. Watch a bit of Macbeth.
2. Another famous speech from Macbeth: Enter Join Pin AADRSIC at https://app.letsrecap.com/pin

1. Sign-up sheet is in OneNote for delivering speech tomorrow.
2. Character props: You and a partner will get a character from Macbeth. Please keep it a secret!
3. Read about ALL the characters online @ http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth/characters/
4. Draw a prop that your character would use/carry during the play - do not write the name of your character on your sheet of paper - just draw & colour the prop.
5. Circulate and write the name of the character on each the prop sheets around the room.
6. Another famous speech from Macbeth: Enter Join Pin AADRSIC at https://app.letsrecap.com/pin


1. 1. Delivery of speeches that I have not already received will now take place Wednesday pm. Sign-up for a time slot. If you are late, or forget, you can still do your speech, but you will have to wait in line.
2. Cops & Robbers - rhetorical devices.
3. Macbeth summary video
4. Writing a Shakespeare Selfie - aka a soliloquy
What is a soliloquy?
5. One of Macbeth's soliloquies.
6. 2018 CBC Shakespeare Selfie Contest
Contest: http://www.cbc.ca/books/the-2018-shakespeare-selfie-student-writing-challenge-1.4084894

WHAT YOU CAN WRITE: Your entry can be 200-400 words in length. Your entry also needs a title, but the title is not included in the word limit.
WHO CAN ENTER: This contest is open to all Canadian residents who are full time students enrolled in Grades 7 to 12. Entries will be judged in two age categories: Grades 7 to 9 and Grades 10 to 12.
HOW YOU CAN SUBMIT: From April 6 to April 27, 2018, there will be a link to an online submission form on this page. The challenge opens at 9 a.m. ET on April 6 and closes at 6 p.m. ET on April 27.
PRIZES: Winners in the Grades 10–12 category will each receive a one-year subscription to OwlCrate. In addition, each of their schools will receive 50 young adult novels.
HAVE QUESTIONS? Email us at cbcbooks@cbc.ca.


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