Monday, February 15 - Friday, February 19


  1. New!  parallelism practice #2. 
  2. Residential Schools - backgrounder - complete teaching your partner about you section of the text. Join together with another pair and prepare a 3,2,1 summary: 3 points Heres what we know; 2 points So What? why is this important? what does this mean? how do we interpret this info?; Now what predictions for the future, an implication, or a question for further study.
  3. English 11 - terms and devices handout - categorize some more terms, and play a game.


  1. Reminder - Rock Bottom theme response was due YESTERDAY. Please remember to hand in BOTH copies (draft 1 & 2, and the rubric).
  2. Parallelism practice - questions? marked? Practice #2. 
  3.  Please show me the completed work on the news article about Empathy and Stress that was done in class Wednesday, February 10 when I was on a field trip. It should be kept in your folder.
  4. Residential Schools - backgrounder
  5. English 11 - terms and devices handout

  1. Reminder - Rock Bottom theme response is due TODAY. Please remember to hand in BOTH copies (draft 1 & 2, and the rubric).
  2. Parallelism practice
  3.  "The Larder" - Walkabout Review - in place of Story Wars !

  1. Silent reading - realistic fiction novel
  2. Reminder - Rock Bottom theme response is due tomorrow (Wednesday). Please remember to hand in BOTH copies (draft 1 & 2, and the rubric).
  3. Edit QUIZ - remember the handout we went over yesterday? Today there is a quiz on the errors that we discussed yesterday - errors I am seeing in your writing. 
  4. STORY WARS! "The Larder"
  1. Return the Rock Bottom paragraph responses.
  2. What do all those letters and squiggles on my paragraph mean? Explanation of my proofreading marks on you papers
  3. TABOO words = I, my, me, you, your...things to avoid in a literary response
  4. PEE reminder: Point Example Explanation - don't forget this in your writing
  5. Edit sheet - this is a handout with some of the most frequent writing errors I found in your paragraphs. We will go over this practice today and tomorrow there will be a quiz on the same types of error, but different sentences. 
  6. Residential schools - a bit of background in case you didn't know...
  7. STORY WARS about the story The Larder


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