Wednesday, September 7 - Friday, September 9


lists of speeches in film:

  1. Review the “rhetorical triangle,” pathos, ethos, logos
  2. Add to the list of tools of manipulation. Add allusion and anaphora!
  3. Look at an excerpt from "I Have a Dream”  - this is the model for the way you will do your speech from a film analysis with your partner today. Title: I Have a Dream, AudienceOccasionPurpose/Goal(s) for the speech - what are the social, cultural, geographical and historical origins of the speechRhetorical devices/identify author’s manipulation of language; What makes the speech remarkable? 
  4. background info; video clip; who wrote the "I Have a Dream" speech?
  5. Today you and a partner will sign-up for a particular speech that occured in a film. You will analyze (see points to cover below) and present your findings to the class on Monday. This a a small, informal presentation. Simply run the video clip and cover the points listed below in a couple of minutes.
  6. Speech analysis points to cover:
Title: of film or speech



Purpose/Goal(s) for the speech 

How do the society, the culture, the geographical area and the historical time period influence the speech?

Rhetorical devices/identify author’s manipulation of language.

What makes the speech remarkable/memorable? 


  1. Attendance
  2. Course outline & Course blog
  3. Folders
  4. What are you going to be doing? Analysis of speeches and write a motivational/manipulative speech
  5. Why are you doing this? To look at how can language shape ideas and influence yourself and others?  - start at 2 min
  6. How are you going to do this? By looking at examples of speeches, examining what makes a quality speech.
  7. What needs to be present in order for a speech to occur? HINT 3 things...
  8. Tools of manipulation/rhetorical devices/ bias techniques - how many can you come up with?
  9. Queen Elizabeth’s speech to the troops at Tilbury - annotate (write all over) your copy of the speech

Welcome to Ms. Adams’ English 11 Class

THE BIG IDEAS for English 11
• Text and story deepen our understanding of complex and abstract ideas.
• Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens
• People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
• Texts are socially, culturally, geographically and historically constructed.
• Language shapes ideas and influences others.

What counts in this class?
Observations, conversations, products:
Potentially everything you do, say, or create counts. You will generate potential evidence of learning every day in class which is why regular attendance is critical. It will be up to you to show your learning in this class and provide evidence that you understand the BIG ideas listed above. This will include, but not be limited to paragraphs, essays, oral presentations, and tests. You will use a folder to collect your evidence. At various points during the semester we will review the evidence you have collected and whether you are hitting the main learning targets. If you are producing enough quality products all semester, if you are interacting with others in ways that show your learning, if you can talk about your learning in an informed way, then you will do well. REMEMBER, that everything – all evidence of learning – is of value because, potentially, everything is considered part of your evaluation.

How will I know what is expected of me on assignments?
The expectations for content and quality for major, end of unit evaluations will be explained to you by showing you quality examples from students and through the use of rubrics which explain in detail the evaluation requirements. 

Silent Reading 
We will be reading daily, so please be prepared. 


If you need to reach me, email is best  Of course I can generally be found in our classroom every lunch hour and I am happy to help you then, or after school. Assignments, rubrics and other useful pieces of information will be posted on the class blog:


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