Monday, November 28 - Thursday, December 1
Thursday Christmas Anagram Antics! Wean again Mary. Good copy of ad deconstruction is due today at the end of class. 1. Camera work. In groups of 2,3 or 4 you are to create a documentary sequence (pick a specific mode ex. reflexive, poetic, etc) using ALL the camera shots on the green/red handouts. Your job is to define each type of shot - write your definition on the handouts - what is it? Find out why it is important; why is it used; how does it affect the audience. You are to create an example of each shot's use with your phones in your mini documentary. Make sure you can get the sequence to me so that it can be shared with the rest of the class. 2. Nanook of the North. Flaherty and Nanook collaborated in creating the events for the film. Nanook and his family were not simply recorded as they lived their life, but were asked to perform certain (some of them typical) behaviors for the benefit of the cameras. Flaherty did not, in the manner of a cine...