Monday, November 7 - Thursday, November 10
Hink Pink Week!
1. Time in to work on the ad deconstruction.
Nightbird grimace
1. You will have tomorrow's class to work on your ad deconstruction.
2. Quiz on visual literacy terms.
3. Read "Conventionally Speaking." Before reading, pick a genre and with a partner, list some of the conventions of that genre. During reading, keep a t-chart list of the points the author makes about genre fiction vs literary fiction.
4. Library - pick up your literary fiction book for term 2.
Pig squeal
Work on ad deconstruction - Block H - room 100 Block F - carts from library
1. Go over a few more questions on the editing sheet.
2. Go over the deconstruction rubric.
3. Show me your ad before you begin your deconstruction assignment.
4. Start writing your deconstruction. The draft is due on Tuesday, November 15.
Sharp speech impediment
1. Visual literacy quiz - Wednesday, November 9 terms from the blue sheet.
2. Return term 1 non-fiction assignments.
3. Edit sheet based on writing errors from term 1 non-fiction assignments.
4. Complete co-construction of the elements of a quality ad deconstruction.
1. Time in to work on the ad deconstruction.
Nightbird grimace
1. You will have tomorrow's class to work on your ad deconstruction.
2. Quiz on visual literacy terms.
3. Read "Conventionally Speaking." Before reading, pick a genre and with a partner, list some of the conventions of that genre. During reading, keep a t-chart list of the points the author makes about genre fiction vs literary fiction.
4. Library - pick up your literary fiction book for term 2.
Pig squeal
Work on ad deconstruction - Block H - room 100 Block F - carts from library
1. Go over a few more questions on the editing sheet.
2. Go over the deconstruction rubric.
3. Show me your ad before you begin your deconstruction assignment.
4. Start writing your deconstruction. The draft is due on Tuesday, November 15.
Sharp speech impediment
1. Visual literacy quiz - Wednesday, November 9 terms from the blue sheet.
2. Return term 1 non-fiction assignments.
3. Edit sheet based on writing errors from term 1 non-fiction assignments.
4. Complete co-construction of the elements of a quality ad deconstruction.
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