Monday, November 21 - Thursday, November 24


Today's word is Brexiteer* - any guesses what it means?

1. Guidelines for the literary novel response are in the links section of this blog.

2. Make sure that you deal with the 3 levels of reading in your response: 1) basic comprehension of the text; 2) how does the author say what they say (structure, organization, style, literary techniques); 3) BIG IDEAs about life, society, human behaviour that are becoming apparent.

3. For this response you are not to use any secondary sources such as Sparknotes or Shmoop to help interpret/understand the novel. Therefore, you will not need to use quotes or cite any sources. Your entire response must be "outta your own head."

4. Identify the pages you have read ex. pages 1-35.

5. Submission instructions for Block D/H (morning class) - make sure your student number is on your response. Print it and hand it in.

6. Submission instructions for Block B/F (afternoon class) - EMAIL your response to Your response must be emailed before 2:10 today - it cannot be done outside of class. I will expect a typed response via email; however, if there are technology problems for the entire class (batteries dead on laptops, for example), take a photo of your neat, handwritten response and email the photo – just make sure I can read it.


Today's word is hygge - any guesses what it means??????

1. Reading time for literary fiction book. Response to write tomorrow.
2. Semi-colon, comma sheet questions 21-40.
3. 15 minutes to prep your info about a documentary mode. Present to class. 


Post-truth - Oxford dictionaries' word of the year. Guess what it means?
Man on a Wire
1. Reading time for literary fiction book. Response on Thursday should cover approximately 35 pages. Please let me know if this is not going to be the case.
2. Semi-colon sheet 1-20
3. Agree or disagree - documentaries.
4. Different modes of documentaries: 1 cinéma vérité, 2 reflexive/interactive, 3 mockumentary, 4 docudrama, 5 personal, 6 poetic/avant-garde, 7 expository, 8 observational, 9 fly-on-the-wall. In small groups, you will be researching the elements and styles of each. You should also come up with a short list of examples of documentaries (3-6) that use the mode you researched. Once you have investigated this documentary mode, your group will present their information while your peers take notes. Your presentation should include at least one clip from a documentary film representative of a variety of the approach you researched.

  post-truth adjective
Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective  facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals  to emotion and personal belief.

Happy Alascattalo Day

When Celebrated

Always on November 21st

About the Holiday

Alascattalo Day is a day to honour Alaskan humour. Based on their mascot the Alascattalo which is a cross between a moose and a walrus.

Gift Guidelines

  • Figurine or shirt with a Walrus or Moose on it
  • Winter gifts (like mittens, hats, scarves)

1. Reading time for literary fiction book - first journal is due on Thursday; however, you will be given time to do the journal in class on that day. You are not to work on the journal outside of class. 
2. Block B - we have a quiz to mark.
3. Ad deconstructions - I will likely not have looked them over until after next weekend. Therefore, the good copy will be due towards the end of next week.
4. Semi-colon usage sheet: please finish questions 1-20 for tomorrow.
5. Visual literacy - what are your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen?
6. Documentary unit. Survey: What documentaries have you seen? What is a documentary? What are the purposes of a documentary?
7. As an introduction to documentary, you will learn about the different modes of documentary: 1 cinéma vérité, 2 reflexive/interactive, 3 mockumentary, 4 docudrama, 5 personal, 6 poetic/avant-garde, 7 expository, 8 observational, 9 fly-on-the-wall. In small groups, you will be researching the elements and styles of each. You should also come up with a short list of examples of films or television programs that utilize these modes. Once you have investigated this documentary mode, your group will present their information while your peers take notes. Your presentation should include at least one clip from a documentary film representative of a variety of the approach you researched.


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