Monday, January 30 - Thursday, February 3
Thursday 1. Parallelism - what is it and why you should care. Write a sentence about Mr. Trumps' inaugural speech. Begin your sentence with: In Donald Trump's speech his "America First"philosophy is evident [through].... 2. Read through the examples at this web site: to discover what parallelism is about. 3. Make sure you have completed your group work on speech in film. 4. Research a speech that you will analyze on your own next week. This will be a real speech not one that happened in a film. You only have to analyze a segment of the speech - something around 300 words long or 1-3 paragraphs. There are some web sites below to start you on your search. Let me know the name of the speech. Once you have the okay from me, cut and paste the speech segment into a word document and print off a copy to put into your folder for next week. list of speeches