
Showing posts from January, 2017

Monday, January 30 - Thursday, February 3

Thursday 1.  Parallelism - what is it and why you should care. Write a sentence about Mr. Trumps' inaugural speech. Begin your sentence with: In Donald Trump's speech his "America First"philosophy is evident [through].... 2. Read through the examples at this web site:  to discover what parallelism is about. 3.  Make sure you have completed your group work on speech in film. 4. Research a speech that you will analyze on your own next week. This will be a real speech not one that happened in a film. You only have to analyze a segment of the speech - something around 300 words long or 1-3 paragraphs. There are some web sites below to start you on your search. Let me know the name of the speech. Once you have the okay from me, cut and paste the speech segment into a word document and print off a copy to put into your folder for next week. list of speeches

Monday, January 23 - Thursday, January 26

Backronym week! BASIC  | Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Wednesday Thursday, there will be an essay "quiz"  - rather than writing an entire essay, you will write part(s) of an essay. 1. More basic essay practice. 2. Score some [more] sample essays - we will look at 3-5 essays. Your team is responsible for determining, based on the rubric, what the student scored on the essay. 3. Block D/H - The Larder a short story - In pairs, organize the words below into the following groups: PEOPLE, PLACES, EVENTS, OBJECTS, PROBLEMS, OUTCOMES, UNKNOWN WORDS 4. Complete reading Cousins. Complete the T-chart where you are noting Joe's emotions during the various parts/scenes of the story. 5. Reflect back on the 6 things you have recently read: Song for the Homeless, Blue Jay, Deer's Take on Man, Rock Bottom, Cousins, The Larder. On your own lined paper, identify an example...

Monday, January 16 - Thursday, January 19

Thursday 1. Final response to your term 2 novel:  - How and why did (or didn't) the novel meet your expectations?  - Research other titles by the same author. Pick one. How is it similar or dissimilar to the book you just read. - What is one question you would like the author to answer about their book and why? Wednesday the possible solutions for the letters above can be found in the blog post from Monday. 1. Reading time for your novel. DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR BOOK TO CLASS TOMORROW. You will write your 4th and final reading response in class tomorrow. 2. Blend some quotes! Complete the yellow quote blending sheet up to and including question #7. HAND IT IN AT THE END OF THE CLASS. 3. Complete annotation of 3 poems if you haven't already done so. HAND THEM IN. Could you please submit them in the following order: Song for the Homeless (blue) on top, then Blue jay, then Deer's Take on Man. Put your name, not your student number at the top of Song fo...

Monday, January 9 - Thursday, January 12

Thursday 1. Read your novel. 2. Blend quotes - NEW! 3. Get a printed copy of the story from me and some Post-its. In groups of 4 define "empathy." Write your definition on one of the Post-its. What are some examples of empathy between friends? in your community? in your country? Put these examples on a 2nd Post-it. Finally, come up with a belief statement about empathy: what is the key to empathy? Draw a symbolic image to represent empathy. Put that on your last Post-it. 4. Go to the class blog. Read the graphic short story "Rock Bottom". During reading, look for ruptures in the text: places where the text calls attention to itself, or places where you stop because something in the text catches your attention. For each of these "ruptures," write a Post-it note explaining why you see a rupture at this point and what you think the purpose of this "br...

Wednesday, January 4 - Thursday, January 5

Thursday 1. Novel response #3 due at the end of today's class. RESPONSE DETAILS: 3 quotes and discuss each one briefly - response should be at least 250 words . One quote to show each level of reading. For example, a quote that relates to the events/conflict going on in the novel at this point; a quote that really highlights the author's style; a quote that relates strongly to the main theme (message about life, society or human behaviour). I will be evaluating these responses holistically - which means I will use the rubric, but I will not be writing feedback comments on your responses. If you would like feedback, ask me to review your response while we are in the computer lab today. You should also review your two previous responses to see my comments and suggestions for improvement. Wednesday 1. Novel - response tomorrow: 3 quotes and discuss each one briefly. One quote to show each level of reading. For example, a quote that relates to the events/conflict going on...