Monday, January 9 - Thursday, January 12

1. Read your novel.
2. Blend quotes - NEW!
3. Get a printed copy of the story from me and some Post-its. In groups of 4 define "empathy." Write your definition on one of the Post-its. What are some examples of empathy between friends? in your community? in your country? Put these examples on a 2nd Post-it. Finally, come up with a belief statement about empathy: what is the key to empathy? Draw a symbolic image to represent empathy. Put that on your last Post-it.
4. Go to the class blog. Read the graphic short story "Rock Bottom". During reading, look for ruptures in the text: places where the text calls attention to itself, or places where you stop because something in the text catches your attention. For each of these "ruptures," write a Post-it note explaining why you see a rupture at this point and what you think the purpose of this "break/emphasis" is. Stick your individual Post-it onto your group's copy of the story on top of the appropriate page.
5. After reading Rock Bottom, return to your group. Discuss what the author's big idea is about life, society or human behaviour. Write it on a last Post-it. On the theme Post-it, you must also come up with a symbol for the theme of the story; however, it cannot be an object that is in the story.
A new word puzzle/game/activity! SO EXCITED!
1. Read novel. Show me what you wrote about Vermette's poem.
2. Blending quotes practice.
3. Block D/H - meter, iambic pentameter, blank verse.
4. Add some details to the green Close Reading of a Poem sheet. Annotate Blue Jay and Song for the Homeless.
5. Fractal partners
6. A new poem... it is called Deer's Take on Man - predict what it will be about! During reading, what two things are being juxtaposed in the poem? After reading, identify the poetic devices you and your partner can find.
1. Read “literary fiction” novel for
the first 10 minutes of class.
2. On the terms and devices (white)
hand-out. Put a red dot in front of all the terms that you know nothing about;
yellow in front of terms that you sort of get; green in front of things that you
are familiar with and don’t need to review. Block B/F you did this on Monday. Item number 2 is just for Block D/H.
3. Complete a few more examples of
blending quotes from Monday’s worksheet. Just do the ones on the front of the
sheet and then stop. Leave the back for another day.
4. Work with the poem “Song for the
Homeless..” The speaker in the poem declares about their neighbourhood, “it
sounds pretty, but it’s not.” How can you apply this to the entire poem. Work
with a partner and write a short analysis about the use of imagery and
juxtaposition and things that “sound pretty, but [are] not” the poem and try
blending some quotes from the poem into your statements. Do this on the back of
the poem. Create a short write up about the poem of 3-4 sentences. Here is a
sample sentence: In Leedahl’s poem, the speaker juxtaposes scenes of poverty
and “vagrants weaving and sprawled” with scenes of prosperity where people
spend “almost $200 on a little fish and wine.”
5. Using the “Close Reading of a Poem”
(green) sheet, read Katherena Vermette’s poem “Blue Jay” complete your look at
this poem, by filling in the green handout.
Hink Pink - short sorrow
1. Reading literary fiction.
2. Blending quotes. How to...
3. Song for the Homeless... During reading, identify the poet's use of imagery (visually descriptive language). Also, find some examples of juxtaposition (putting two things close together for contrast).
4. After reading: About her neighbourhood, the narrator declares: It sounds pretty/ but it's not" How can you apply this to the entire poem. Say a few things and blend quotes. Share examples with the class.
5. Close reading of a poem - handout - add more to figurative language and sound sections.
6. What is empathy? Group definition. What are some examples of empathy with: friends/family, at school, in society. Come up with a belief statement about empathy.
7. Terms and devices.
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