Monday, March 13 - Thursday, March16

Today is Panda Day!

FYI - I have reduced the number of short stories you have to read and respond to from 10 down to 8.

1. Write Reading response #2
For this response you must reduce the amount of retelling of the story that you are doing compared to last time. Instead, focus on explaining what you notice about how the writer writes and what message the story delivers about life, society or human behaviour. It is through your discussion of the story that it will be clear whether you have understood the story - so no need to retell the plot.

Things to discuss when dealing with how the writer says what they say:

  • point of view used - 1st, 3rd person limited, omniscient, objective
  • word choices / diction - slang, jargon, colloquialisms
  • symbolism
  • foreshadowing
  • flashbacks
  • dialogue
  • imagery
  • irony
  • comparisons - metaphor, simile, personification
Ways to figure out what the theme is:
  • the title
  • the conflict
  • the goal(s) of the main character
  • the conflict
  • the conclusion
  • repeated patterns
  • irony in the story

World Consumer Rights Day
Today is World Consumer Rights Day!

1. Below are some types of "fake news" you will see online. Your task is to find one example of each and paste it into a page in your Assignment folder in Office 365.Make sure you label each of the 4 examples and include a link to the site that it came from. In addition, ensure whatever content you paste in, is school appropriate (no hate literature, nothing obscene or offensive). Call the page "Fake News".
2. Read your short story book and begin writing your responses. You will get time on Thursday too, but make a start today.

Types of FAKE NEWS:
§  Pure fake news sites use fabricated stories to lure traffic, encourage clicks (click bait), influence or profit      using intentionally deceptive, but highly intriguing, often sensational information. [for this one, find an example of an article that is used as click bait - remember to include a link]
§  Hoax sites also share false information with the intention to trick readers/viewers 
§  Satirical sites present news with a comical, often exaggerated spin [ find one article from this type of site and a link to the full site]
§  Digital images and edited images alter and often misrepresent visual reality [find images that have NOT been done just for creative purposes - find ones that have been altered with the intention of misleading people - remember to provide a link to the site]


Happy National Potato Chip Day!

Block B - we have the laptop carts
Block D - we are sharing room 506 with the photography class.

1. Read short stories for Thursday when you do your next responses.
2. Complete questions about "Liquid Mountaineering" and place them in the Collaboration space. Copy the page and put it into your Assignment folder also.
3. Finish CRAP test chart.

Image result for international napping day

Today is a continuation of Thursday...

Your short story responses have been evaluated.

Editing quiz - if you got less than 50% you can do your corrections to improve your grade - this offer is only available TODAY!

1. Check out the CRAP test that is in the Content Library on our English 11 page in Office 365. Your job is to a evaluate at least 3 of the online articles below using the CRAP test. Put a chart into your Office 365 section of our class notebook.

Here are the news/info items analyse using the CRAP test...
B. Dog Island -

2. Follow the instructions you will find in the Content Library, on the page called "Video B questions."


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