Monday, October 17 - Thursday, October 20


Phew, found another cat palindrome!

1. 7 more days to finish reading your non-fiction book.
2. Mark the run-on sentence practice handed out on Monday.
3. Go over the Photo Fuss sheet #1. Make appropriate changes to sheet #2 based on our discussion.
4. Look at the following web site:
5. Add the following words to your blue sheet: deconstruct, source, text, subtext, audience, persuasion technique, point of view. You should already have: context, ethical, etc from yesterday.
6. Read through the deconstruction example on the web site. With a partner, go through the discussion questions beneath the ad. Talk over the answers. I will be coming around to check your understanding.
7. Pick either one of the ads at the bottom of the tutorial. In pairs, create a typed document, place the image and answer the deconstruction questions. Hand in at the end of the class.

I wonder if I can find four days of cat palindromes?
1. Read non-fiction book - you will need to be finished your book in 8 days.
2. Remind me during reading if you have a quiz to take that you missed.
3. Mark the run-on quiz from last week.
4. Framing "Obama" work - Sample Match  - self assess and improve. Sample Match: How many things are listed as being in the image? Does the sample make an inference/assumption based on the man, the background and the text: "The damage beyond the spill"? Has the sample discussed the purpose of the image using either the words analyze, persuade, express, document, entertain? Has the sample been thorough in the So What?
5. Go over the run-on edits from yesterday.
6. Evidence of learning chart for Visual Literacy unit.
7. A bit of time to go ove the Photo Fuss #1 & 2 - due tomorrow and the Digital Manipulation - due on Thursday.

I was away today. Here are the instructions I left for the TOC
1.     Read non-fiction term book.
2.     Complete both of the Photo Fuss worksheets – due tomorrow.

3.     Work on Digitally Manipulated Image assignment – due Thursday.
I     Done all of the above? Read through this lesson/tutorial on line 

Welcome to Palindrome Week!
1. Reading non-fiction book. Discuss the due date for the term assignment which is November 10. You will have 1 class to work on the assignment next week. The following week you will self-assess and peer-assess. BEWARE! there is no Friday extra work time on November 11 because it is Remembrance Day.
2. Progress reports. Return speeches. Fill-in Assignment Log.
3. Run-on sentences - Block D/H - we need to mark last week's quiz. Both classes - More practice identifying and fixing based on examples from the two classes.
4. Framing hand-out. Sample Match: How many things are listed as being in the image? Does the sample make an inference/assumption based on the man, the background and the text: "The damage beyond the spill"? Has the sample discussed the purpose of the image using either the words analyze, persuade, express, document, entertain? Has the sample been thorough in the So What?
5. Does your example look like these examples? Record 2 things that you haven't done, that you need to do to fix up this work.
6. The Photo Fuss worksheets #1 & # 2 are due Wednesday, October 19
7. Show me your choice for digitally manipulated image. This assignment is due on Thursday, October 20. Here are the instructions from last Thursday: Computer lab: pick a digitally altered image from the political/news/journalism arena, or a digitally altered image from the fashion/entertainment/celeb area. Show me your visual literacy skills. Answer the questions that were on the Obama/Framing sheet AND the questions/activities from last week's group Photo Analysis Worksheet [What am I looking at - people, objects, activities? What assumptions am I making when I look at this image? What does the image mean to me? What can I infer? What is the purpose of the image - to analyse, to persuade, to express, to document? Why does this image matter? Why is it significant?].
In addition, answer the following questions by typing your answers and attaching them to the image. I am looking for answers that are each 5+ sentences in length: Where do we draw the line between creativity and deception? How do the purpose and context of photo editing affect how we feel about it? What role does the Internet play in allowing us to share, ingspire, and critique images that have been edited? Print a copy of the image and annotate [write all over] it in addition to answering the questions.
People, Places, Activities in image. Assumptions/inferences you can make based on observation of the image. Questions that the image raises. 


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