Monday, October 3 - Thursday, October 6
Images for group work
Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Group #4

Group #5

Group #6

Group #7

Group #8

Peer editing job cards
Images for group work
Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Group #4

Group #5

Group #6

Group #7

Group #8
- Move into groups of 4. Come to see me and I will give your group a number. The photograph for your group is on the blog - choose the one that matches with your group number. All members are to work together; however, you are to individually complete the Photo Analysis Worksheet.
- Be prepared to share your information about your photo with the class on Monday.
- Individually, research the image based on the caption information I will provide you with. You are to find out the setting, the year, the name of the photographer and the significance of the image. As well discuss the effect that 3 of the techniques (see the list of techniques in #4 - 8 below) have on the message of the image (what is the image’s message about life/society/human behaviour? For example, discuss angle, framing and lighting and how they deliver the theme/BIG IDEA in the image.
- Angle: The vantage point or direction from which the artist photographs the subject.any particular pattern? Do you see any geometric shapes? Are the lines of the photograph straight or curving, thick or thin? Do any visual elements repeat? Is the visual weight of the photograph balanced: on each side? top to bottom? diagonally? (Adapted from Susan Schekel, personal communication, Stony Brook University)
- Framing: By deciding where the edges of the image will be, the photograph determines what you will (and will not) see—whether the subject will fill the frame and appear “close up” or will be seen at a distance as part of a larger context.
- Light: Light is one of the most powerful tools of the photographer. The manipulation of light and dark and the sharpness of contrast between light and dark contribute to the mood a photograph conveys.
- Focus: The clarity or blurriness of the image. The range between the nearest and farthest things that appear in clear focus de nes the photograph’s depth of field.
- Composition: What is in the foreground? Are the elements arranged in
- Work on your speech: editing, practice presenting.
- Sign-up for a time to come in on Friday for speech. You must come by to see me even if it is just to drop-off your file via USB, or show me that your speech is on the shared drive. You could also bring your device cord and transfer your speech file to me that way.
- Return the speeches that were peer edited.
- Mark transitions practice.
- Visual literacy - WHY? “ ...visual literacy is about analyzing
and creating messages. Images can be used to influence and persuade, so it is incumbent
upon educators to learn how to teach with and about images and to help our
students understand the language of photography." Your final assessment will be the analysis/deconstruction of an image with text. We will discuss more about this in the next two weeks. - What are a few techniques & strategies by which a photo conveys meaning? Think on your own for 1 minute. In small groups call out ideas. One member records the ideas.
- Sample photo analysis: What do you see? Form an overall impression. Next examine individual items and make a list. Finally, divide the photo into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible.
- Read non-fiction term book.
- Look at the videos and gather some ideas about delivering a speech?
- Complete peer-editing of speeches.
- Speeches are due by 1:00 pm on Friday - Please put this on your plan for Friday. I will have a class list available. On Friday, please come to see me between ________ & ____________and either read your speech to me, or to show me that you have uploaded your file. I am thinking Dropbox? Google Drive? for online submissions.
- NEW! Visual literacy - the language of image
Peer editing job cards
- Read non-fiction term book while I organize the speeches for editing.
- Demo of how to peer edit a speech.
- Speeches: co-operative peer editing.
- Last opportunity to “punch-up” your speech.
- How to submit your speech: options? suggestions?
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