Monday, October 23 - Thursday, October 26

1. Some reading time for the term non-fiction book. You have 3 more days - including today. Thursday you are in the computer lab writing the draft of your response to the book.
2. Block D/H only - Photo Fuss #1 - discussion of answers to the questions. Beef-up your answers. Review/revise your answers to the questions on the Photo Fuss #2. 
3. There will be a small quiz on Visual Literacy terms next week. Review terms in class today and ensure they are written on the blue sheet.
4. A reminder - the digitally altered image write-up was due last week. It is now late. Please get it to me by Thursday, at the latest, or you will be spending time with me on Friday.
5. Go over the tutorial on ad deconstruction together: Pick one of the ads at the bottom of the page. In groups of 2 - 4 people, deconstruct the ad using the format in the web tutorial. Print a copy of the ad and write your deconstruction ideas in annotation format around the ad. Your deconstruction will be presented in class tomorrow in a small group discussion arena called a Class Chat/Gallery Walk.


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