Monday, October 31st - Thursday, November 4th
Puzzling Prof
A famous one: From what word can you drop the last four letters without changing the pronunciation? Hint: There is also a three-letter homophone for the original word.
A. Peer editing the term 1 non-fiction book assignment.
B. Look for an ad for your ad deconstruction assignment.Check the questions below to make sure that you will be able to work with the questions and your ad.
C. Begin your ad deconstruction by focusing on the image/photo(s) - Remember: people, objects, activities. Then look at framing, composition, light, camera angle, focus.
D. Look for a literary fiction novel.
1. Gaps and silences - gaps are things we automatically fill in based on our cultural assumptions. Silences are things that and ad may not mention. For example, You can have a new i-Phone 7 for $0, and a $65/mth contract. The ad is silent with respect to the size of the phone, how much data is included and whether there is a sign-up fee.
2. Another couple of quick rounds of Attack the Castle?
3. Block D/H photocopy mess up. You are missing a page of notes.
4. Ad deconstruction - Powerpoint.
5. Complete ad deconstruction criteria.

Puzzling Prof
The 10-letter name of something you might order at a Chinese restaurant consists of letters that all appear in the second half of the alphabet (N to Z). It is a common food with a multi-word name. What is it?
1. Literary fiction novel for term 2
2. Vocabulary - Let's add some persuasive techniques - remember pathos, logos, ethos?
3. Persuasive techniques in advertising:
4. Persuasive techniques - Attack the Castle
5. Ad deconstruction - Powerpoint

Puzzling Prof
The 12-letter name of something you would find at an airport consists of letters that all appear in the first half of the alphabet (A to M). It is a multi-word name. What is it?
1. Term novel draft is due on Thursday. Don't miss out on receiving feedback!
2. Term 2 novel - Literary Fiction.
3. Return Digitally altered image assignment.
4. Complete more self-assessments on the blue daily evidence of learning.
5. - view samples deconstructions and co-create rubric for assessment of your deconstructions.
6. Begin looking for an ad to deconstruct.
Puzzling Prof
A famous one: From what word can you drop the last four letters without changing the pronunciation? Hint: There is also a three-letter homophone for the original word.
A. Peer editing the term 1 non-fiction book assignment.
B. Look for an ad for your ad deconstruction assignment.Check the questions below to make sure that you will be able to work with the questions and your ad.
Deconstruct your ad using these questions:
1.Whose message is this? Who created or
paid for it? Why?
Who is the “target audience”? What is their age, ethnicity, class, profession,
interests, etc.? What words, images or sounds suggest this?
What is the “text” of the message? (What we actually see and/or hear: written
or spoken words, photos, drawings, logos, design, music, sounds, etc.)
What is the “subtext” of the message? (What do you think is the hidden or
unstated meaning?)
What kind of lifestyle is presented? Is it glamorized? How?
What values are expressed?
What tools of persuasion are used?
What positive messages are presented? What negative messages are presented?
What groups of people does this message empower? What groups does it
disempower? How does this serve the media maker's interests?
D. Look for a literary fiction novel.
1. Gaps and silences - gaps are things we automatically fill in based on our cultural assumptions. Silences are things that and ad may not mention. For example, You can have a new i-Phone 7 for $0, and a $65/mth contract. The ad is silent with respect to the size of the phone, how much data is included and whether there is a sign-up fee.
2. Another couple of quick rounds of Attack the Castle?
3. Block D/H photocopy mess up. You are missing a page of notes.
4. Ad deconstruction - Powerpoint.
5. Complete ad deconstruction criteria.

Puzzling Prof
The 10-letter name of something you might order at a Chinese restaurant consists of letters that all appear in the second half of the alphabet (N to Z). It is a common food with a multi-word name. What is it?
1. Literary fiction novel for term 2
2. Vocabulary - Let's add some persuasive techniques - remember pathos, logos, ethos?
3. Persuasive techniques in advertising:
4. Persuasive techniques - Attack the Castle
5. Ad deconstruction - Powerpoint

Puzzling Prof
The 12-letter name of something you would find at an airport consists of letters that all appear in the first half of the alphabet (A to M). It is a multi-word name. What is it?
1. Term novel draft is due on Thursday. Don't miss out on receiving feedback!
2. Term 2 novel - Literary Fiction.
3. Return Digitally altered image assignment.
4. Complete more self-assessments on the blue daily evidence of learning.
5. - view samples deconstructions and co-create rubric for assessment of your deconstructions.
6. Begin looking for an ad to deconstruct.
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